Ball Pestles

Ball Pestles for Grinding and Blending Samples in SpectroVial® Grinding/Blending Vials

Agate Mortar and Pestle Sets

Agate Mortar and Pestle Sets

Impact Mortar and Pestle Sets

Rocks and other agglomerated types of sample materials are seldom of suitable size for accommodation and direct comminution in SpectroMill® or GyralGrinder® grinding vessels. Quite often it is necessary to first crush a sample into smaller constituents. The Impact Mortar and Pestle is ideally suited for this application in the laboratory or for field collections.


Crush large samples into smaller pieces

Multi-steel type construction

Easy to use

Simple to disassemble for cleaning

Available in different sizes

Custom sizes available upon request

Large rocks and agglomerated types of sample materials are seldom of suitable size for accommodation in SpectroMill® Ball Pestle Impact Grinder vials or GyralGrinder® comminution vessels. Quite often it is necessary to first crush a sample into smaller pieces. Simply place the sample in the mortar chamber. Insert the pestle and repeatedly raise and lower the pestle with controlled force. The contained sample is mechanically crushed with each downward stroke. 

Easy and Convenient to Use

Simply place the sample in the mortar chamber. Insert the pestle and repeatedly raise and lower the pestle with controlled force. The contained sample is mechanically crushed with each downward stroke. Use of a wood mallet is sometimes a useful consideration.

Note: Not guaranteed against chipping. Safety goggles and personal protective wear are recommended.

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Grouped product items
Cat. No. Vol Diameter Type Qty/Pack Price
13cm3 (0.800in3)
Impact Mortar and Pestle
1 set
70 cm3 (4.27in3)
Impact Mortar and Pestle
1 set