10P-3080: PreAssembled SpectroSulfur® Sample Cups, Single Open End with vent hole; 0.94" (23.9mm) X 0.780" (19.8mm) Max O.D. X 0.73 (18.4mm) O.D. X 0.76" (19.4mm) High with 6.0µm Zythene® 10/Tube; For Mesa 7220 and Sindie
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For the ultimate convenience, Chemplex XRF Sample Cups and Thin-Films are available PreAssembled.
• Thin-Film already attached to the XRF Sample Cup
• XRF Sample Cups stacked in a tube for maximum Thin-Film Protection
• Optional Dispensing Stand
Made in USA
Stackable Pre-assembled XRF Sample cups are available with a user choice of thin-film material and thickness. They are designed to vertically stack with the thin-film window safely nestled and protected by adjacent sample cups for maximum thin-film window protection. Please contact our sales team at sales@chemplex.com for more information.
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